About NCTD

National Clinical Trials Database

The National Clinical Trials Database (NCTD) is a publicly available platform which allows you to search for Clinical Trials that have been registered as being ‘Active’ in Ireland. You can search for trials by entering keywords or phrases relating to the medical condition or treatment/medication of interest, or more specifically by using the name or identifier of the trial if this is known. Please read our FAQ section for tips on how best to search for trials.

The information contained in the NCTD is provided by the World Health Organisation (WHO) from their International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP), which receives data about clinical trials from a large number of national and international clinical trial registries.

The NCTD receives weekly updates from the WHO registry for trials that are noted as being conducted in Ireland by clinical trial sponsors – primarily pharmaceutical companies and other clinical trial organisations. The data received from the WHO does not have details about where exactly the trial is active in Ireland, so we provide the facility for clinicians and study teams to update the basic trial records with Irish site information i.e. hospital site, status and contact information.

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